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Formula Simplification

Different applications vary in the requirements for formula simplification. Z3 exposes a few built-in methods that can be used for simple algebraic simplification. There are no methods based on z3 that ensure that expressions are simplified to a unique canonical form (which is a characteristic of simplifying propositional formulas using BDDs), but you can use z3 to simplify subformulas using different criteria.

Built-in simplification

Z3 exposes some built-in methods for formula simplification

Method from SMTLIBMethod from PythonDescription
simplifysimplify(..)performs rewriting simplification
(apply ctx-simplify)Tactic('ctx-simplify').apply(..)maintains Boolean skeleton of formula but removes sub-formulas that are subsumed by context. It uses a syntactic equality check on expressions to determine subsumption.
(apply ctx-solver-simplify)Tactic('ctx-solver-simplify').apply(..)uses solver calls to determine context subsumption.

Developing simplification using Z3

In the following we outline a procedure for extracting a simplified CNF representation of a formula.

from z3 import *

def is_atom(t):
if not is_bool(t):
return False
if not is_app(t):
return False
k = t.decl().kind()
if k == Z3_OP_AND or k == Z3_OP_OR or k == Z3_OP_IMPLIES:
return False
if k == Z3_OP_EQ and t.arg(0).is_bool():
return False
if k == Z3_OP_TRUE or k == Z3_OP_FALSE or k == Z3_OP_XOR or k == Z3_OP_NOT:
return False
return True

def atoms(fml):
visited = set([])
atms = set([])
def atoms_rec(t, visited, atms):
if t in visited:
visited |= { t }
if is_atom(t):
atms |= { t }
for s in t.children():
atoms_rec(s, visited, atms)
atoms_rec(fml, visited, atms)
return atms

def atom2literal(m, a):
if is_true(m.eval(a)):
return a
return Not(a)

Extract subset of atoms used to satisfy the negation of a formula.

  • snot is a solver for Not(fml)
  • s is a solver for fml
  • m is a model for Not(fml)

evaluate each atom in fml using m and create literals corresponding to the sign of the evaluation. If the model evaluates atoms to false, the literal is negated.

def implicant(atoms, s, snot):
m = snot.model()
lits = [atom2literal(m, a) for a in atoms]
is_sat = s.check(lits)
assert is_sat == unsat
core = s.unsat_core()
return Or([mk_not(c) for c in core])

Extract a CNF representation of fml The procedure uses two solvers Enumerate models for Not(fml) Use the enumerated model to identify literals that imply Not(fml) The CNF of fml is a conjunction of the negation of these literals.

def to_cnf(fml):
atms = atoms(fml)
s = Solver()
snot = Solver()

while sat == snot.check():
clause = implicant(atms, s, snot)
yield clause

a, b, c, = Bools('a b c')
fml = Or(And(a, b), And(Not(a), c))

for clause in to_cnf(fml):

Subterm simplification

The simplification routine exposed by Z3 performs only rudimentary algebraic simplifications. It also does not use contextual information into account. In the following example we develop a custom simplifier simplify that uses the current context to find subterms that are equal to the term being considered. In the example below, the term 4+4((H1)/2/2)4 + 4((H-1)/2/2) is equal to HH.

H = Int('H')
s = Solver()
t = 4 + 4 * (((H - 1) / 2) / 2)
s.add(H % 4 == 0)
m = s.model()
print(t, "-->", simplify(s, m, t))

To extract set of subterms it is useful to avoid traversing the same term twice.

def subterms(t):
seen = {}
def subterms_rec(t):
if is_app(t):
for ch in t.children():
if ch in seen:
seen[ch] = True
yield ch
yield from subterms_rec(ch)
return { s for s in subterms_rec(t) }

We can then define the simplification routine:

def are_equal(s, t1, t2):
s.add(t1 != t2)
r = s.check()
return r == unsat

def simplify(slv, mdl, t):
subs = subterms(t)
values = { s : mdl.eval(s) for s in subs }
values[t] = mdl.eval(t)
def simplify_rec(t):
subs = subterms(t)
for s in subs:
if s.sort().eq(t.sort()) and values[s].eq(values[t]) and are_equal(slv, s, t):
return simplify_rec(s)
chs = [simplify_rec(ch) for ch in t.children()]
return t.decl()(chs)
return simplify_rec(t)